Saturday, December 22, 2012

I want some adobo (a tribute to my sister-in-law)

I often tell myself the reason my eyes are green is the tremendous amount of jealousy I have of others.  This is not a desirable trait and speaks to a certain level of immaturity, but I am still guilty of it.

Someone I admire greatly is my sister-in-law, Olivia.  She is immensely talented, funny, generous, polite, and caring.  She's also gorgeous and makes bangin' adobo.*

I suppose I envy Olivia because we're just six weeks apart, but she seems to have accomplished so much more than I have.  She owns a business, receives rave reviews for her theatrical performances, has a beautiful singing voice, and did I mention the adobo?  My brother never goes hungry.

Envying Olivia is silly because she's not pretentious about her talents.  She is humble and lovely.  She and I get along famously, especially because we share similar interests.  We took a dance class together and would more than replenish the burnt calories by swapping Sonic cream pie shakes while driving back home.  We had a blast planning Patrick's surprise 26th birthday party (pub MIX!), and we always feel comfortable around each other, whether it's drinking tea (PG Tips!) or choreographing goofy Janet Jackson dance numbers.  She has given me tough love with her relationship advice but also comfort when she opened the door to her home to me as I was in between apartment rentals.

Olivia has been the sister I never had.  She is the one who encouraged me to start this blog in order for me to keep writing after journalism school.  I'm grateful to have someone as wonderful as she is in my life.  I love you, Liv!

*Adobo (Filipino: "marinade," "sauce" or "seasoning") is the name of a popular dish and cooking process in Philippine cuisine that involves meat, seafood, or vegetables marinated in a sauce of vinegar and garlic, browned in oil, and simmered in the marinade. It has sometimes been considered as the unofficial national dish of the Philippines.[1]   (Source:  Wikipedia)

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